Crypt is a string encryption program. The application is very simple to use: you only need to type or paste the string you want encrypted, choose the encryption method and get the result.
This piece of software is limited to encryption procedures. The main reason it does not offer the ability to decrypt hash codes is that most of them cannot be decrypted. One example is the SHA – Secure Hash Algorithm. If you don’t know what’s the purpose of encrypting something that cannot be decrypted here’s one example: a login password for a website account. The password is not stored in an unencrypted format for security reasons. When you type in your password, a website application encrypts it to a specific format and then compares it to the encrypted password stored on the website’s database. If they match, it means it’s the right one. This way, your password remains secret but it can still be verified.
Besides encrypting, this application can also encode strings or adapt them (e.g. for use on an HTML page) or turn all letters to lowercase, uppercase or TitleCase, as the program calls it, which turns the first letter of each word to uppercase.
In conclusion, Crypt is a very simple program that encrypts or encodes a string of characters. It supports many formats like a few versions of SHA and MD, CRC32, UnixCrypt and others.